XBRL Tagging

Meeting the CRDIV Mandate

CoreFiling LogoXBRL Tagging – meeting the CRDIV Mandate

Help is at hand for financial institutions that need to file their CRDIV Regulatory reports in XBRL. Alui can provide and support you in your use of CoreFiling’s Seahorse®, which offers a solution for the required XBRL tagging of all CRD IV reporting modules under COREP and FINREP for submission to your local regulator, for example the FCA.

Seahorse® is an easy-to-use cloud-based product for managing XBRL disclosures, that will also handle Solvency II, Country by Country Reporting and ESMA ESEF requirements, and is an inexpensive, risk-free solution to the compliance issue. Based on robust, proven software, Seahorse® guides filers through a simple workflow process, without the need to understand the intricacies of XBRL. Accessed via a standard web browser, Seahorse® handles the following essential steps

  • Generation of Excel forms according to the relevant taxonomy
  • Conversion of the completed forms into XBRL documents ready for submission
  • XBRL document validation against the latest regulatory rules

Alui currently has clients based in the UK, France, Luxembourg, Belgium and Norway, all of whom are able to use Seahorse® to meet the standards set by the EBA and their own local statutory body.

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